Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Could a chemistry degree lead me to a career in investment banking? and EU Foreign Direct Investment [SEMINAR]

Could a chemistry degree lead me to a career in investment banking?

I am studying maths, chemistry, biology and physics at A level. My dream job would be an investment banker, not because of the money, but because of the thrill.

Anyway, I've heard gaining a chemistry degree opens a path to investment banking! :) Is this true? Or is it a very slimply opened doorway?

Investment best answer:

Answer by Poseidon
I studied Biology and it hasn't opened those types of doors for me unfortunately, despite having a red-brick uni and a good degree classification. The only place it sent me was to do another course in something else. To be honest, these degrees will probably get you as far as lab assistant, teaching or customer service roles.

I would study Pharmacy instead because at least then you are lined up for something professional if the investment banking doesn't work out for you.

Would studying something like Economics or Maths if this is where you want to go?


EU Foreign Direct Investment [SEMINAR]

Image by ALDEADLE Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for EU
Photo from the Event

Orignal From: Could a chemistry degree lead me to a career in investment banking? and EU Foreign Direct Investment [SEMINAR]

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