Monday, September 30, 2013

What other issues played a role in the American Revolution besides taxation?? and IMG_9683

What other issues played a role in the American Revolution besides taxation??

I know that taxation was the major cause of the American Revolution, but I need some more causes for a paper I'm writing... help please!

Taxation best answer:

Answer by papaw9446
English oppression and attempted control of the colonists.

They came seeking religious freedom, but England was still trying to control their worship.

England realized the colonies were a wealth and new source of raw materials and trade goods. So did the colonies...Colonists knew the natural resources and wealth of their new world could give them the upper hand with England if they could gain their freedom.

(read the Declaration of independence;) It lays out some of the reasons the colonists desired and fought for their freedom

You can scroll dowh the page of this website and find the text of it. Hope this helps



Image by Ivy Dawned

Orignal From: What other issues played a role in the American Revolution besides taxation?? and IMG_9683

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