Saturday, September 28, 2013

Shouldn't we be honest with the American people and frame our taxation and spending debate properly? and IMG_9770

Shouldn't we be honest with the American people and frame our taxation and spending debate properly?

We all seem focused on the parts of the issue as a whole.

What this country basically is going to have to decided is.

Do we want the big government socialized democracys like Britian, Sweden, Norway etc or
do we want the system we've had in place for most of our countrys existance.

Our basic problem right now is that we are trying to set up a socialized democracy which is heavy in entitlements but we have the mind set of wanting to pay for it with the taxation income that sufficently funds the system this country had had in place for most of it's lifetime. There is insufficent income to fund these various social engineering programs.

Thus if we want the socialized democracy of Norway, Sweden, Britian etc then our tax rates will have to go up much much higher in order to fund those programs as our current system of taxation will clearly not keep up with the spending that will be required.

The basic question then is does the average tax payer want to see the tax rates increased substantially over the course of this next decade.

The administration has been very clever--they get the population used to the benefits of social democracy--then the tax rates will have to go up within the next few years to pay for them. I would suspect that the strategy is--get people used to them and they will be on board later on to support massive taxation increases.

Shouldn't we be honest now and frame this debate as such?

Taxation best answer:

Answer by Will
The is no debates. The "progressives" have finally triumphed.

8/31/1910 Osawatomie, Kansas, T. Roosevelt admits the progressive agenda -- national health care, social security and the championing of unions (the "brown shirts" of all such movements) -- discards the Constitution: "This, I know, implies a policy of a far more active governmental interference with social and economic conditions in this country than we have yet had, but I think we have got to face the fact that such an increase in governmental control is now necessary."

Dem. pres. Wilson (1913-21) on why Americans should work hard: "You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand." He may have been the first progressive to realize the potential of multiculturalism in deconstructing America, saying: "No nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation." Obama put it this way: "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism." (12/22/10

FDR's "Second Bill of Rights" included the "right": to "earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation"; of every family to a "decent home"; "to be free from economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment." (Speech to Congress on 1/11/44)

LBJ's Great Society spent trillions on those "rights."

In fact, America's semi-capitalist system provided those "rights" in such abundance that tens of millions of Europeans fled their welfare state nations to come here. But none of that matters to democrats. They've always fought for a welfare state America:

-2/4/10 Gallup poll: 61% of liberals have a positive view of socialism.

-6/2/11 Gallup poll: 71% of democrats favor re-distributing wealth.

-9/6-9/2012 Those who want more government control over us: Republicans 15%; Independents, 29%; Democrats 67%.

-Now they have national health care, the foundation of all welfare and socialist states.

We are not longer a Republic, just as Ben Franklin predicted: "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

We're now a democracy.

Thomas Jefferson: "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."

Ben Franklin: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch."

And with Obama's upcoming Supreme Court appointments democrats will own the courts and make us a permanent European-style welfare state.

How did they win?

Democrats dominate the major media:

How Americans saw the mainstream media (TV and print) election coverage in 2008:
-Rasmussen poll: 69% for Obama, 6% for McCain
-Pew Research poll: 67% for Obama, 11% for McCain
-Sacred Heart University poll: 68% for Obama, 9% for McCain
-Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll: 67% for Obama, 11% for McCain

U. of Cal. Department of Public Policy survey of journalists, nationwide: During the 2008 election 52% supported Obama, 19% McCain.

9/2009 Sacred Heart U. Polling Institute: 69.9% saw national news media as promoting the Obama presidency while 26.5% disagreed.

8/15/12 Rasmussen Poll: 59% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the media favored Obama, 18% Romney.

Since 1960 how many Republican president candidates has the New York Times endorsed? NONE.

The pro-democrat media has ten times more viewers than pro-Republican Fox News:
5/25/11 NBC Nightly News averaged 9.469 million viewers, ABC's World News 8.380 million; CBS Evening News 6.204 million; among cable networks, Fox News 2.556 million.

Democrats dominate the government education system:… Top All-Time [political campaign] Donors, 1989-2012:
-The NEA (teachers' union) gave $ 43,613,263: 71% to democrats, 5% to Republicans.
-The AFT (NY's teachers' union) gave $ 34,698,466: 86% to democrats, 0% to Republicans.

3/29/05 Washington Post:
-72% of higher education teachers are liberal, 15% conservative
-At elite schools: 87% are liberal, 13% conservative.

April 2012 report on American universities "In some areas it [liberal dominance] is so extreme that it amounts to virtual exclusion of any but left-of-center faculty members."

They dominate government unions:
10/21/10 Wall Street Journal: The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is the biggest outside spender of the 2010 elections. It gave 0% to Republicans between 1989 and 2012.

It's over.



Image by Ivy Dawned

Orignal From: Shouldn't we be honest with the American people and frame our taxation and spending debate properly? and IMG_9770

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