Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What bond angles do you expect for the following? and Bond Girl - Reach

What bond angles do you expect for the following?

And find the hybridization for the central atom

1. The C-O-C bond angle in dimethyl ether. CH3OCH3

2. The C-N-C bond angle in dimethylamine CH3NHCH3

3. The C-N-H bond angle in dimethyl amine CH3NHCH3

4. The O=C-O bond angle in acetic acid

I do not understand this question at all what does bond angles mean, PLEASE HELP!! Thank you for your time guys!

Bond best answer:

Answer by pisgahchemist
Do you get the idea of angles in a triangle? Imagine an equilateral triangle with a "point" at the top and two corners at the bottom. The corners at the bottom are carbon atoms and the corner at the top is an oxygen. In this case the bond angle would be 60 degrees.

The C-0-C bond in the ether is also "bent" but not at 60 degrees. It's more like on the order of 109.5 degrees as predicted by VSEPR theory. There are two bonding pairs of electrons and two lone pairs, and the four electron pairs assume a tetrahedral electron pair geometry. This accounts for the "bent" molecular geometry.

In the amines, the bond angle is also about 109.5 for the same reasons, almost. N has one lone pair and three bonding pairs.

For O=C-O in CH3COOH, the bond angle is 120 degrees because there are three bonds to the carbon that define the geometry, and one pi bond consisting of an unhybridized p-orbital. Again the 120 degree bond angle is predicted by VSEPR theory.

You should spend some time studying VSEPR theory.
There are lots of resources here:


Bond Girl - Reach

Image by Rob Beyer
Half naked girls, classy outifts, and nice weaponry. Yeah, Bond inspired.

Betty was a lot of fun as ussual, and the shoot went well, fun stuff to play with on a friday morning :)

Orignal From: What bond angles do you expect for the following? and Bond Girl - Reach

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