Saturday, October 26, 2013

How does the stock market work? and Second Life Stock Images Innsmouth 8

How does the stock market work?

I am just curious on how the stock market works and how I can make some money I hear stories that people buy and sell shares from stock markets and make money is this kind of like gambling?

Stock best answer:

Answer by Alex
Stock market, as the common notion goes, is not gambling for money. It rather is pure mathematics and what we call in statistical terms, econometrics. So, when you are new to stock market investing, trying to find your way out, you indeed could do with the help of a stockbroker, who know the principles of how the market will work for a set of political and financial developments. And once you know your way about the market, you could do with discount brokerages, which charge you a lot lesser than the traditional stockbrokers in lieu of providing you with lesser advices. Discount brokerage allows you to take your own decision with little or no help from the stockbrokers as per your preferences.

See below for more help in the stock market.


Second Life Stock Images Innsmouth 8

Image by Sasy Scarborough ♥
This is for the Second Life Stock IMages Group to be used with my
permission as a background for images either for stores to display or
photographers to add people to NOT for sale as a stand alone image

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