Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why should corporations get the benefit of being a separate entity for all legal purposes except taxation? and Patrick Henry Denounces Unjust Taxation

Why should corporations get the benefit of being a separate entity for all legal purposes except taxation?

If a shareholder's assets are shielded by a corporate veil, due to the corporation being a separate entity from the individuals shareholders, why shouldn't the corporation be taxed separately from individual (as Mittens and the SCOTUS have said, corps are people) when dividends are issued?

You can't have it both ways. That's like saying you want to eat your cake and have it too. Double taxation is another right-wing myth that has brainwashed so many people.
@Shovel ready, yes they are (unless you are a S-Corporation) however, I am speaking to people who don't believe they should be taxed due to the myth of double taxation so don't get your Depends in a bunch.

Taxation best answer:

Answer by Auroch
...because Baby Bush stuffed the Supreme Court full of fascist blockheads...... so - next time some moron tries to tell you that your vote doesn't count, don't listen to him.


Patrick Henry Denounces Unjust Taxation

Image by Marion Doss
Patrick Henry Denounces Unjust Taxation, calendar art.

Orignal From: Why should corporations get the benefit of being a separate entity for all legal purposes except taxation? and Patrick Henry Denounces Unjust Taxation

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