Monday, July 29, 2013

Why did the democrats pass legislation allowing bonuses and now have used taxation to punish the recipients? and HB430 (Relating to Taxation) Bill Signing

Why did the democrats pass legislation allowing bonuses and now have used taxation to punish the recipients?

The democrats wrote the legislation concerning this AIG bailout and Chris Dodd said he put in an amendment allowing the doling out of bonuses at the request of the administration. Now they are using taxation legislation as a punishment for what are legal bonuses based on the original legislation. Can you explain what is going on here?

Taxation best answer:

Answer by tfoley5000
Because they screwed Congress and now they want the Peoples Money back, They have been warned.


HB430 (Relating to Taxation) Bill Signing

Image by Governor Neil Abercrombie
HB430 (Relating to Taxation) exempts charitable deductions from the itemized state income tax deduction caps.

Orignal From: Why did the democrats pass legislation allowing bonuses and now have used taxation to punish the recipients? and HB430 (Relating to Taxation) Bill Signing

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