Sunday, August 18, 2013

Can a Bail Bond be transferred while the person is out on bond? and bond cliffs from bond cairn

Can a Bail Bond be transferred while the person is out on bond?

Let's say that a friend bonds you out of jail. For whatevever reason (for personal reasons not related to any illegal activity) you do not want that "friend" to be on the bond any longer, can you get someone else to go to the bonding company and transfer it to their name? If yes, does the new person have to pay the bond money again or just a transfer fee?

Bond best answer:

Answer by wizjp
AS a rule, the bondsman is going to want to cash out the first bond and reissue and charge all over again; that's what they do


bond cliffs from bond cairn

Image by Northfoot Adventures
The Bond Cliffs, as seen from behind a cairn on the summit of Mount Bond.

Orignal From: Can a Bail Bond be transferred while the person is out on bond? and bond cliffs from bond cairn

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