What is the definition of bank from US government perspective?
Hi everyone, I'm a business student and am studying for my midterm in Bank Management class.
What is the definition of bank from US government perspective?
Can anyone help?
bank best answer:
Answer by Jacob
1.a long pile or heap; mass: a bank of earth; a bank of clouds.
2.a slope or acclivity.
3.Physical Geography. the slope immediately bordering a stream course along which the water normally runs.
4.a broad elevation of the sea floor around which the water is relatively shallow but not a hazard to surface navigation.
5.Coal Mining. the surface around the mouth of a shaft.
6.Also called cant, superelevation. the inclination of the bed of a banked road or railroad.
7.Aeronautics. the lateral inclination of an aircraft, esp. during a turn.
8.Billiards, Pool. the cushion of the table.
–verb (used with object)
9.to border with or like a bank; embank: banking the river with sandbags at flood stage.
10.to form into a bank or heap (usually fol. by up): to bank up the snow.
11.to build (a road or railroad track) with an upward slope from the inner edge to the outer edge at a curve.
12.Aeronautics. to tip or incline (an airplane) laterally.
13.Billiards, Pool.
a.to drive (a ball) to the cushion.
b.to pocket (the object ball) by driving it against the bank.
14.to cover (a fire) with ashes or fuel to make it burn long and slowly.
–verb (used without object)
15.to build up in or form banks, as clouds or snow.
16.Aeronautics. to tip or incline an airplane laterally.
17.Horology. (of a lever or balance) to be halted at either end of its oscillation by striking a pin or the like.
18.(of a road or railroad track) to slope upward from the inner edge to the outer edge at a curve.
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1150–1200; ME banke, OE hōbanca couch; c. ON bakki elevation, hill, Sw backe, Dan bakke < Gmc *bank-ōn-; perh. akin to Skt bhañj- bend, Lith bangà wave; see bank3, bench
1. embankment, mound, ridge, dike. 3. See shore1.
these are definitions of bank
Philadelphia - Old City: First Bank of the United States
Image by wallyg
The First Bank of the United States, at 116 South Third St, was built by Samuel Blodgettt and James Windrim in in 1795-1797 at a cost of 0,168.05. The bank, granted a twenty year charter by the United States Congress on February 25, 1791, was conceived of by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton as a means of consolidating state debt and creating a standard form of currency for the new nation. Although supported by northern merchants, it was heavily opposed by southern states, whose chief industry, agriculture, didn't require centrally concentrated banks. In 1811, Congress voted to abandon the bank and its charter, to be succeeded five years later by the Second Bank of the United States.
Until the building was completed, the bank was housed in Carpenters' Hall from 1791 to 1795. The neo-classical design was intended to recall the democracy and splendor of ancient Greece. The two-story portico, fronted by leafy Corinthian capitals, is surmounting by a pediment, executed in 1797 by Clodius F. Legrand and Sons, featuring a cornucopia, oak branch, and American eagle are carved from mahogany. It is the oldest bank building and the oldest building with a classical facade in the country.
Stephen Girard, a French immigrant who found success in Philadelphia as merchant and ship owned, bought the building for his private bank in 1812. After his death, it was occupied by Girard National Bank from 1832 until 1926. The building was restored for the American bicentennial in 1976. On August 7, 2007, the Civil War and Underground Railroad Museum of Philadelphia announced that it would relocate to the building by 2010.
Independence National Historical Park preserves several sites associated with the American Revolution. Administered by the National Park Service, the 45-acre park was authorized in 1948, and established on July 4, 1956.
National Register #87001292 (1987)
Independence National Park Historic District National Register #66000675 (1966)
Orignal From: What is the definition of bank from US government perspective? and Philadelphia - Old City: First Bank of the United States
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