Friday, November 29, 2013

Is there a difference between wealth redistribution and wealth expropriation? and IMG_1505_1600x1067

Is there a difference between wealth redistribution and wealth expropriation?

in my mind
- redistribution (progressive taxation) is supported by Adam Smith ("father" of the capitalism) and enacted by Teddy Roosevelt (Republican)
- expropriation is a failed communist idea.

What do you think?

Taxation best answer:

Answer by Bob S
Redistribution is where people exchange one form of wealth, such as money or food, for goods or services, such as a new car or a lawn job, or people give of their excess to help those who cannot rise above their deficit.

Wealth flows and grows the economic strength of the community.

Expropriation is the taking of wealth from one side for whatever reason, and it is also known as theft, though it has been redefined to fit under the terms of eschief and eminent domain.

Wealth is drawn OUT of the economy and away from the engines that would use it to create more and fed to those who do not create any and are more likely to waste it.

The biggest real difference is that people buy and sell and give to charities to redistribute their wealth voluntarily.
Churches and private organizations are far more efficient at distributing according to the needs of those who CAN'T help themselves and much less likely to help those who simply WON'T help themselves.

No work, no eat. That's the Biblical way and the common sense way to do things. If they CAN'T work, help them. If they can and don't, stinks to be them.
Reward dilligence. Punish laziness.

The Jamestown Colony tried communism and almost perished. Karl Marx neglected to mention this.
Only when they allotted land and made each family responsible for its own did the colony thrive.;
Israel tried Communism and found it lacking.
Progressive taxation is an interesting concept and could be done in onlyone effective way.

Tax ONLY consumption. Tax all consumption at the same rate. Give most of the money to the cities and counties, and a smaller percentage to the Feds.

Establish a rebate program where each person is entitled to a certain amount of rebate from the surplus which would be generated by the consumption-based taxation (retail tax, property tax, liquor tax, gasoline tax, etc.) and its driving force derived by the lifting of the oppressive and regressive production-based taxation (now 35-45% of the price paid for goods at retail AND 35-45% of personal income).

As long as it is in politicians' best interests to keep Americans poor so that they depend on social programs and not to encourage production, that is how they will respond.
If the only source of revenue were industrial and commercial success, then they would promote that vigorously.



Image by Les_Stockton

Orignal From: Is there a difference between wealth redistribution and wealth expropriation? and IMG_1505_1600x1067

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