Saturday, November 2, 2013

How long does the personal and family finance class take to finish on FlVS? and “SMLGYM” $GOOG $YHOO $MSFT / SML.20121228.Finance.Data.GOOG.YHOO.MSFT.US.Search.Business.Opinions

How long does the personal and family finance class take to finish on FlVS?

How long does the personal and family finance class take to finish on FlVS?
I am already going to be taking challenging classes in school and I have to take an online class. So I was wondering how long does the personal and family finance class take to finish as in weeks? Also how is the class, what do u do for the work part? I'm hoping someone who already took it can help me. Same with leadership skills and development class. Do u write essays? How long also? Please HELP!!!!!!
Also please don't answer that I can go at my own pace, there are classes that ony have a number of weeks to finish.

Finance best answer:

Answer by Jo
If it's an online class - then it could take as long as you choose.

Some online classes can go as fast as the person taking the class can go.

Some online classes work as regular go-to-school classes in that there is a lesson a week or so.

You would have to read the syllabus of the class to find that out.

I expect there are essays. They have to have some way to gauge your knowledge from the classes.

There really is no "HELP!!!!" out here - that you can't find out for yourself.

Read the class descriptions and syllabus.


"SMLGYM" $ GOOG $ YHOO $ MSFT / SML.20121228.Finance.Data.GOOG.YHOO.MSFT.US.Search.Business.Opinions

Image by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML

SML Opinions:
Yahoo has had a good year. I reason that it largely has to do with the economy of China. Although in Google is the defacto search engine in the US, when you move around the world you will notice that different parts of the world's primary search engine differs greatly.

For example, in Hong Kong, the number 1 search engine that people reference (just by casual conversation) is Yahoo. In the UK, it seems that people reference Bing often. This is unusual to me. But if you think deeply, Google has many properties which are blocked by China's Great Firewall. Google could not survive in China so if China is slowly becoming the creditor of the world, then it would make sense for companies which are able to survive in China to do well.

One must also not forget Baidu. There are a ton of amazing content available in Chinese. Just because you cannot read it does not mean that data is not available. This is often the number 1 thing I noticed about technology companies based in the US—they ignore the audience in other parts of the world while trying to be a global products and services company. You can't force your language and culture onto others. Learn from history regarding world peace and diplomacy. Then you will go far.

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Orignal From: How long does the personal and family finance class take to finish on FlVS? and "SMLGYM" $GOOG $YHOO $MSFT / SML.20121228.Finance.Data.GOOG.YHOO.MSFT.US.Search.Business.Opinions

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