Sunday, November 3, 2013

What is the best way to evaluate a stock? and GWR Curchward "City Stock" Brake Third No.3755

What is the best way to evaluate a stock?

I am looking at purchasing some stock and need to know what to look for.

Stock best answer:

Answer by Rich
You don't just go to the store and buy stock, first you need an account with a bank or brokerage that allows you to purchase shares. Then it is best to start by investing in something that you know something about. There are thousands of stocks and other investment vehicles out there. There are many ways to evaluate or value stocks, historically the most regarded way is the stocks P/E.
That is the companies stock price divided by annual earnings per share. The lower the P/E, the better the valuation. There are many other things to take into consideration but this is not the venue for teaching. The best teacher is experience.


GWR Curchward "City Stock" Brake Third No.3755

Image by hugh llewelyn
GWR Curchward "City Stock" 48' Brake Third No.3755, Diagram D62, Lot 1275, built at Swindon, 1921. Designed for services to Faringdon. At Didcot Shed, 05/10.

Orignal From: What is the best way to evaluate a stock? and GWR Curchward "City Stock" Brake Third No.3755

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