Can my old overdrawn bank account take money from a new one I just opened?
Today I had to open another bank account at a new bank because my old bank account is overdrawn. Can the old bank somehow come into my new account and take my money out of it?
bank best answer:
Answer by Klingons around Uranus
...legally, "no" ...not without a claims order from a Court... Now, if the Bank went to small-claims court and got a judgment against you...'Yes" !
Green Bank Telescope 3
Image by eawortman
Quite impressive, the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) is located in Green Bank, WV near Cass, WV where we stayed. The radio telescope is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) facility. This particular telescope is the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope. The collecting area is 100 by 110 meters. For more see it's Wikipedia entry. The facility is located inside the United States National Radio Quiet Zone, no cell phone reception for you!
Orignal From: Can my old overdrawn bank account take money from a new one I just opened? and Green Bank Telescope 3
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