Monday, March 3, 2014

Describe at least two factors of an investment that you would want to consider before putting money into that? and Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

Describe at least two factors of an investment that you would want to consider before putting money into that?

Describe at least two factors of an investment that you would want to consider before putting money into that specific investment.

Investment best answer:

Answer by Joe P
1. Likelihood of the return of my principal.
2. Likelihood of a decent rate of return on my principal.
3. Degree of liquidity. Can I retrieve my investment readily.
4. Transparency. Am I able to readily track and evaluate the success of my investment.


Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

Image by Steve Rhodes
Part of a national day of action on October 15th calling for divestment

Orignal From: Describe at least two factors of an investment that you would want to consider before putting money into that? and Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

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