Monday, March 3, 2014

what is the best pet insurance agency? and Big insurance: Sick of it health care reform rally

what is the best pet insurance agency?

best pet insurance?

insurance best answer:

Answer by Heather
We use Banfield which is located inside of all Petsmarts. Not sure if you have them in your area but they're a vet that offers pet insurance. We love it, they have different levels of plans to cover what you need for your pet during different stages and age. We pay about 45 a month for 2 dogs which covers all their yearly shots, 1 comprehensive exam a year (they keep them all day and run a bunch of tests of them), any random visits are free and a discount on medications. My older dog also gets a teeth cleaning visit which usually costs 1,200 dollars.

At the end of the year they will send you a EOB showing what you would've paid vs what you did pay. Last year I paid around 250 a dog and their bills both totaled over 5,000 a piece!


Big insurance: Sick of it health care reform rally

Image by Steve Rhodes

near the offices of Anthem Blue Cross

Documentary on the Raging Grannies

The Waiting Room, a documentary on Highland Hospital in Oakland which is posting short videos during production

Orignal From: what is the best pet insurance agency? and Big insurance: Sick of it health care reform rally

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