Thursday, January 16, 2014

What commodities are worth buying for good investment? and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addresses the USNI Investment Conference

What commodities are worth buying for good investment?

I know that gold and SILVER are being talked about as being the investments of the decade, but Im also looking for other things that should have good returns. I know that nobody can predict the exact future....but Im still curious for what should show good investment potential. Thanks.

Investment best answer:

Answer by Matthe Mcclain
one word... plastics


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addresses the USNI Investment Conference

Image by Northern Ireland Executive
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with First Minister Peter Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness at the US-NI Economic Conference at the State Department in Washington DC.

Photograph by John Harrison/Harrison Photography

Orignal From: What commodities are worth buying for good investment? and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addresses the USNI Investment Conference

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