Thursday, January 16, 2014

How do you research a stock? and stock Vote YES PROP 37, Label GMO Foods Car with Corn Fish Sculpture IMG_9408

How do you research a stock?

I need to know how you research a stock because I am investing in some money. I need to know how and where do you go to research stocks and if a stock is high or low.

Stock best answer:

Answer by Larry
There are many places on the web where you can go to research a company (not a stock!). The first place I'd look is the resources offered by my brokerage account, e.g. TDAmeritrade, eTrade, Scottrade, etc. Most offer substantial research tools.

Another good place is the company's website. Most have a page specifically for investors where you can find recent SEC filings, etc.

Lastly, try one or more of the financial sources like:


stock Vote YES PROP 37, Label GMO Foods Car with Corn Fish Sculpture IMG_9408

Image by Lynn Friedman
Giant Corn Sculptures on top of cars driving the San Francisco Bay Bridge get a lot of attention.

Orignal From: How do you research a stock? and stock Vote YES PROP 37, Label GMO Foods Car with Corn Fish Sculpture IMG_9408

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