Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Which of the following bonds is the least reactive? and Farewell Bonds

Which of the following bonds is the least reactive?

Which of the following bonds is the least reactive?

San someone please tell me how to find if a bond has high or low reactivity?

Bond best answer:

Answer by schmiso
I think its a question of bond strength and bond energy, which is the energy to dissociate a bond.

So stronger a bond so higher the bond energy is. Ans so stronger the bonds so lesser its reactivity is.
Hence the least reactive is the one with the highest bond energy.

The bond energies are
D(C-C) = 346 kJ/mol
D(H-H) = 432 kJ/mol
D(O-H) = 459 kJ/mol
D(H-Cl) = 428 kJ/mol

So the least reactive bond is 3. O—H.


Farewell Bonds

Image by bryce_edwards
AT&T Park
San Francisco, CA

Orignal From: Which of the following bonds is the least reactive? and Farewell Bonds

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