Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What should I take accounting or finance? and Quantum finance

What should I take accounting or finance?

I am a sophomore in college. I am very good at math, I have tested into the 99th percentile on standardized tests and I have done well in college calculus. I know both of these topics have a lot of overlaps, what advice do you have? I originally planned finance, but I am taking accounting and I am doing quite well in that.

Finance best answer:

Answer by Just an Iowan
Neither, Engineering is a better area for someone good in math.

In accounting and finance it is a dead-end job, to move up someone must die, get fired or retire. There are very limited job growth/advancement available for these areas.

Most accounting is boring; tax return preparation is interesting.


Quantum finance

Image by Arenamontanus
I wonder if it deals with wavefunction collapse? If somebody observes your hedge fund, will it decohere into an eigenstate?

Orignal From: What should I take accounting or finance? and Quantum finance

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