Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I have private health insurance and insurance from work? and American Life Insurance Co Convention

I have private health insurance and insurance from work?

I have private health insurance from blue cross blue shield, I also get blue cross blue-shield from the work I do for the state. If I was to use the insurance from my work would it be a conflict with the insurance I privately have? I was told that they would cancel each other out and I would lose my private insurance. Is this true??? I don't really want to lose my private insurance for health and security reasons but I also don't want to keep paying more if i don't have to in the long run.

insurance best answer:

Answer by Insurancetips
If you have two insurance one from work and the other is private, than you will not get the benefit for the same illness from both places - ie. supposing you have a bill of medicines of $ 100/- you will not be paid $ 100/- from both your employers insurance and your private insurance.
You can claim for the benefits which the employee plan is not contributing to from your private plan or any amount that exceeds the employee limit from your private plan.

Yes, you are paying higher amounts if you are paying for both the plans. Whether this is advisable can be said if you go to an agent or compare both the plans and find out what the differences are. Secondly you need to decide the coverages you need and than take a decision.


American Life Insurance Co Convention

Image by AJ Franklin
The 'boys' get together at the pool for drinks and gossip. Insurance company conventions were--not fun.

Orignal From: I have private health insurance and insurance from work? and American Life Insurance Co Convention

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