Friday, May 2, 2014

stock help PLZ!!!!!!!? and 1992 Tube Stock (Waterloo and City line) Interior

stock help PLZ!!!!!!!?

what are some little-known stocks on the rise? any ideas? thanks
no i am not actually buying the stocks it is a school project so i need QUICK stocks

Stock best answer:

Answer by matt s
Truth is the only people who know are on the inside and if you find you your insider trading. You sound like you want fast cash not investments. I recommend you learn about options. they are much riskier but on well planed ones it is easy to get 5x to 10x your investment. But for the time being and stocks HOLX is down alot on a loss, but thats only because of cost incurred integrating with CYTC. It has had record profit last quarter and without merger cost should shoot up to around 40


1992 Tube Stock (Waterloo and City line) Interior

Image by κύριαsity
Empty carriage.

Orignal From: stock help PLZ!!!!!!!? and 1992 Tube Stock (Waterloo and City line) Interior

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