Friday, February 21, 2014

Which type of bond is formed by the atoms of molecules sharing 1, 2, or 3 pairs of their valence electrons? and NYC, 40 Bond, Gate, Draft Design

Which type of bond is formed by the atoms of molecules sharing 1, 2, or 3 pairs of their valence electrons?

A. covalent bonds

B. ionic bonds

C. peptide bonds

D. hydrogen bonds

E. nonpolar ionic bonds

Bond best answer:

Answer by Colin
A. covalent bonds


NYC, 40 Bond, Gate, Draft Design

Image by Detlef Schobert
Gate, draft design, status summer 2005.

Expanded polystyrene, milled, size 2 x 3 m.
Exhibited in London (2005), Basel (2005), Munich (2006).

The Gate is made up of four basic modules which are fitted seamlessly together in varying combinations; the design was developed in 2005; progress was checked from time to time with expanded polystyrene moulds

Building: New York City, 40 Bond Street.
Completion: 2007.
Owner: Ian Schrager.
Design architects: Herzog & de Meuron.

Orignal From: Which type of bond is formed by the atoms of molecules sharing 1, 2, or 3 pairs of their valence electrons? and NYC, 40 Bond, Gate, Draft Design

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