Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why do humans make longer investments beyond just sperm than mammals? and Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

Why do humans make longer investments beyond just sperm than mammals?

One of the biggest differences between humans and most other mammals is that human males often make further investment beyond just sperm, why?

It's something to do with the long duration of the human childhood and our intelligence.....

We are born prematurely than compared to other mammals and as a result our childhood is much longer (up to 12 years)
This is SOLELY based on an evolutionary perspective, so all social, cultural etc etc factors are ignored.

Investment best answer:

Answer by LittleB
You're making a big assumption there. Not every male stays around to make an investment, in fact, some will do everything possible to avoid it. Humans tend to think rather than to act on instinct. We all weigh up the pros and cons - we all make decisions as to what we want from life and the kind of investment we want to make in terms of parenthood. Likewise, women sometimes decide to give up their young - if they feel they cannot provide for them or because a child would hold them back. You can make sweeping generalisations about the behavour of human beings as though we are all identical. We aren't!


Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

Image by Steve Rhodes
Part of a national day of action on October 15th calling for divestment



Orignal From: Why do humans make longer investments beyond just sperm than mammals? and Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

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