Saturday, January 18, 2014

What is the real risk of owning GM and Ford bonds? and The Paseo/Bond Bridges - Kansas City, Missouri - March 22, 2010

What is the real risk of owning GM and Ford bonds?

Page C2 of WSJ says GM bonds are yielding as much as 25% and Ford Motor bonds 14%. These companies are perceived as either distressed or involvent, but if they go into bankrupcy, don't boldholders end up owning the companies after they come out of bankrupcy?

Bond best answer:

Answer by ggads
Huge risk owning the bonds. However, the higher the risk, the higher the return.

Look for those that mature in the next couple years only. And if you can bear the risk, great investment opportunities.


The Paseo/Bond Bridges - Kansas City, Missouri - March 22, 2010

Image by CoolValley
Out with the old and in with the new.

The Bond Bridge is currently being built to replace the Paseo Bridge which carries traffic for the north/south I-29/I-35 highway corridor over the Missouri River at Kansas City, Missouri.

All of these shots were taken with a point and shoot camera.

Orignal From: What is the real risk of owning GM and Ford bonds? and The Paseo/Bond Bridges - Kansas City, Missouri - March 22, 2010

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