Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What do you feel are advantages and disadvantages of investments? and Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

What do you feel are advantages and disadvantages of investments?

What do you feel is the number one advantage and disadvantage of investment via:

1. Bond

2. Certificate of Deposit

3. Money Market Mutual Funds

4. Stock

I'd like to see what you believe is the number one advantage/disadvantage for each. Thank you.

Investment best answer:

Answer by Warren
1. Fixed amount of income each year and your capital back at a fixed date. So, security, certainty.

2. Short maturity, so appropriate when you know you'll want the money back or don't want to be exposed to potential capital loss, as on a bond, should interest rates rise.

3. Your capital is fixed. Only the interest you receive is variable, so security that your capital won't diminish, plus instant liquidity with no sales charge.

4. Higher potential capital gain. Perhaps even the fun of investing in a real business and following its progress.


Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

Image by Steve Rhodes
Part of a national day of action on October 15th calling for divestment

Orignal From: What do you feel are advantages and disadvantages of investments? and Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

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