Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How do recent events influence investment decisions and portfolio investments? and Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

How do recent events influence investment decisions and portfolio investments?

I need an example of how recent events affect portfolio investments or personal investment of any kind for a class presentation and due to their popularity i can't talk about the recent happenings in japan, egypt, libya or even the recent financial crisis of 2008. Any ideas?

Investment best answer:

Answer by mdr
well basically, if the world is looking unstable, then stockholders are more likely to sell shares, because of the uncertainty that comes about. as more people sell shares, the market value go's down and the company loses money. if this go's on for a long period of time, its called a bear market. if prolonged, this also lead to downsizing, which brings unemployment, lower productivity and an overall lower standard of living.


Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

Image by Steve Rhodes
Part of a national day of action on October 15th calling for divestment



Orignal From: How do recent events influence investment decisions and portfolio investments? and Save Darfur protest at Franklin Templeton Investments

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