Thursday, September 26, 2013

What are some better banks in the ormond beach fl area that aren't wells fargo or bank of america? and Bank America ATM Closure

What are some better banks in the ormond beach fl area that aren't wells fargo or bank of america?

I live in ormond beach fl, and am currently banking with the shi-tty wells fargo bank, and i need to get the hell out of there. What are some good banks (Othe than the equally shi-tty bank of america) in the area, off of Granada blvd would be best, i cant drive and i need a bank close to my house. I appreciate any help.

bank best answer:

Answer by postal p


Bank America ATM Closure

Image by Rainforest Action Network
Direct action to tell Bank of America to stop funding dirty energy.

Orignal From: What are some better banks in the ormond beach fl area that aren't wells fargo or bank of america? and Bank America ATM Closure

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