Saturday, February 22, 2014

Which type of bond is formed by the atoms of molecules sharing 1, 2, or 3 pairs of their valence electrons? and Remote control to capture Bonds

Which type of bond is formed by the atoms of molecules sharing 1, 2, or 3 pairs of their valence electrons?

A. covalent bonds

B. ionic bonds

C. peptide bonds

D. hydrogen bonds

E. nonpolar ionic bonds

Bond best answer:

Answer by Colin
A. covalent bonds


Remote control to capture Bonds

Image by Steve Rhodes
He was helping Brad Mangin whose one purpose was to capture the 756th homerun if it happened.

If it had, it would have gone on the cover of Sports Illustrated. But the issue closed towards the ed of the game. A photo he shot in San Diego will be on the cover.

His Barry Bonds portfolio

Orignal From: Which type of bond is formed by the atoms of molecules sharing 1, 2, or 3 pairs of their valence electrons? and Remote control to capture Bonds

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