Saturday, June 14, 2014

Interest Rates on Small Military Loans? and Supreme Leader Steven Harper and Conservative Party Cabinet Members

Interest Rates on Small Military Loans?

My husband wants to get a small military loan to finance our moving into a new apartment until his BAH with dependent kicks in. Does anyone have any info on these loans?

loan best answer:

Answer by SayAgain
Sadly to say if you go anywhere outside of your bank your going to get screwed with a ridiculously high interest rate.

I borrowed 2K while in and payed back 3500 through an allotment which im sure they will ensure happens before giving you or your husband a loan so if you fail to make a payment they will bug the hell out of his COC until you/he makes good on the loan. FYI he can be booted from the Military for failure to maintain financial responsibility.


Supreme Leader Steven Harper and Conservative Party Cabinet Members

Image by k3nt
This photo shows Canadian Supreme Leader Steven Harper surrounded by Conservative Party Cabinet Ministers Peter MacKay, Vic Toews, Rona Ambrose, Diane Finley, Bev Oda, John Baird, Tony Clement, Jim Flaherty, Peter Van Loan, Jason Kenney, Christian Paradis, James Moore, Keith Ashfield, Peter Kent, Lisa Raitt, and just because.. Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair!

Based on a work via AFP PHOTO / KCNA via KNS / Getty Images.

Orignal From: Interest Rates on Small Military Loans? and Supreme Leader Steven Harper and Conservative Party Cabinet Members

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